Thursday, September 24, 2009

4 Months

My little girl is 4 months i cant beleive it. Where in the world has the time gone? She has changed so much. the other day she discovered the "Giggle" its so cute. My husband and I were off for our anniversary and my mother in law called and told me "Em is giggling" i was shocked. I made my husband take me over there right then and there so i could see for myself. Nana Neicy kept her over night that night and it was the hardest day of my life, i didn't think i would cry yea well i bawled. She is also sitting up all by herself and she would rather stand then do anything else these days. She loves her cartoons and her doggy Lola Mae.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Emmy is 3 montsh old tomorrow i cant believe it. where has the time gone? Iweighed her the other day and she already weighs 13lbs, yea she really likes her food.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Emmarie went to her 2month appt today. She is now 11lbs and 23 inches long. I met her and Nana Neicy at the doctor since i had to work. Nana refused to hold her while she got shots and ofcourse momma was willing, it was so sad she screamed and cried. It was so sad i started to cry with her. I can not beleive my lil girl is already 2 months old, she has started cooing and she knows who we are and looks for us when we are talking. She is such a pig she eats 5 ounce bottes...Oink...Oink!!! She is absolutely perfect

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Emmarie Jess Coates Arrival

Hey Ya'll sorry it has been so long since i posted anything. Lets see......... Emmarie Jess Coates was born May 27th 2009 @4:36 Am. She weighed 6 lbs and 11 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She came out eyes wide open and just layed back. I thought something was wrong because she wasn't crying but she was good. Se has a full head of hair, which came totally unexpected. She has ten perfect little piggies and fingers. Jes was instintly in LOVE with Emmie. She is so much fun, it seems like every day she does something new or notices something new. It is truely amazing the life we create. Emmarie might have been competely unexpected and caught us completely off suprise but she is truely what we needed to complete our family. We love her so much and can not wait to see what the rest of lifes hold for us!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

All coming to the end. Ready to start our new chptr!!

Today is Friday May 22nd, 2009 and in 30 mins i am going in for my fianl doctor visit. They are going to do one more NST and ultrasound on Emmarie. We have a long weekend in front us with it being memorial day and all, in a way i hope it flies by so that tuesday will arrive and i can finally meet my daughter, but on the other hand i want it to go slow. Let me enjoy my last weekend with just me and my husband. Our lives are about to do a 360, everythingis about to change. We are now responsible not just for us but for this perfect little miracle. Funny how things turn out, just last summer i was about to get a histarectomy because the doctors said i should never get pregnant, then with out any thought, indication, god blessed Jes and I with amazing new person to love and teach and adore. The last 9 months i have been watching my belly grow, seeing all the changes that you go through to grow a baby. My pregnancy has been pretty much perfect and now that we are only 4 days away from meeting her i find myself unable to sleep wondering what the whole birth thing is going to be like. Who is she going to look like? Will she have hair? Dimples? It is like the week before christmas, you know you ahve presents because you can see them under the tree but you have no idea what they look like. The suspense is killing me. Well i am outta here, off to my final appt and ready to meet my angel. I wll put up pics soon!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Update 05/13/2009

I went ot the doctor on Monday and found out i have low amniotic fluid, so i am going back in on friday to have a non stress test done and an ultrasound to check my fluid levels again. My doctor said that he will induce me before my due date due to the low amniotic fluid so i am really hoping he induces me on friday. Other then that her heart rate was good and strong and she is on track for everything else. I can not wiat to meet her.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I went to the ddoctor today and i am 50% thinned but haven't dilated at all. I go back on monday bright and early, maybe i will have a better update by
Emmarie is measuring 37 weeks today, so she is till measuring a little ahead but that is ok. I am getting so impatient, i want to meet her already. I am not tired of being pregnant just want to meet her, to hold her, to see who she looks like. I will give you a update next week

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

almost 33 weeks

Hey ya'll Emmarie will be 33 weeks tomorrow, i can't believe we are almost to the end of this. She is getting so big and kicking and squirming and all sorts of things in there. Jess and I are driving to SLC on friday for my baby shower, i cant wiat. I get to see Lindsey and finally meet Boston. I can not wait he is already 2 months and i still havent seen him. Then on the 25th my good friend Angie is throwing me a baby shower down here in STG, it should be alot of fun. Then before we know it, it will be may and sometime shortly after that Emmarie will make her big DEBUT!!!!I simply cant wait.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

31 weeks

I ahven't wrote anything for awhile so here is an update.
I am 31 weeks today, well actually Emmarie is 31 weeks today. I went to my appointment today and her heartrate is steady at 150 and she has finally turned head down. I was really worried that she wouldn't but she suprised me!!! My Friend Kate is throwing me a baby shower in SLC on the 18th i am so excited to go and see everyone espicailly my sister, i can't wait to see how big she is. Well that is it for now!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

27 Weeks

I went to my other doctor appointment today, I got to take that lovely Glucose test. It really wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. It tasted like a really flat Sprite. But i passed so that is a good thing. Emmarie's heartbeat was about 150 which is good and she is going great. She has decided that their is nothing better to do then practice kick boxing in my tummy all day long. But it's ok i love feeling her in there. I now go to the high risk dr on the 7th of april and then i see my reg gyno every two weeks now, it is getting so close. I am so excited and nervouse at the same time. Well that is all for now....

Megan, Jess and Emmarie

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I went to the Dr yesterday and man has she grown. She has now decided she doesn't like having her picture taken so we got a foot out of the whole thing....LOL
Emmarie is measuring a week big so they are thinking end of May but my sister is having her son Kaden on May 28th so hopefully Emmarie is either earlier of later then the 28th. But knowing our both of our pregnancies have been i am guessing i go into labor on the 28th....LOL
But other that nothing too new has been going on, we finally got most of Emmarie's room done, we are just waiting for her crib to come in and the rocker from my mom. She isnt even hear yet and she is spoiled rotten. My BFF Lindsey finally had her boy Boston and OMG he is so freaking adorable I LOVE HIM!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It has been sometime since i last filled ya'll in. Let's see what's new??? On the 6th we found out we are having a little Girl, we couldn't be more thrilled. Me and my BFF Lindsey joke that her little boy Boston and our little girl are going to grow up and fall in love and get married so we can finally be related...LOL
On the 8th my sister and brother in law found out they are having another little boy. She is scheduled to have him on the 28th of may, i just cant wait to meet him. So far our pregnancy is going perfect, i still don't think i have felt her kick or anything but then agian i dont know what i am suppose to feel. We have decided on the name Emmarie Jess Coates. Austin (sarah's little boy) says he is going to name his brother "Brother", kids say the darndest things.
My dad forrest has already dubbed her nickname as "Petunia" and Jes's mom calls her "Little Miss Piggel Pants". So far i have gained 10 lbs, not bad or at least i hope that isnt bad.
My BFF Lindsey is due 02/08 i think she will ahve Boston before that but i cant wait to meet him, i am postiive that he is going to be drop dead beautiful just like his mother.
We go back to the doctor on the 4th of feb so i will let ya'll know.

Love, Jess and Megan