Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctors Appointment

I went to my 1st High Risk appointment yesterday. It was very intresting i have really good doctor who is doing all he can to keep me and Baby Coates safe and healthy. They did yet another ultrasound and decided i am due the same day as my sister 06/04/2009, CRAZY! He said everything looks good the heatbeat was 176 and strong it was so funny becouse as soon as they put the little device on my stomach the baby flipped and showed us its back, kind of like Ha Ha ......... i have a feeling it might a pain in my butt just like it's father, go figure.


Bonnett Fam said...

I wish my belly was as little as yours. I am glad your are doing good and your pregnancy is going good.

Kryger Family said...

Congrats we are so excited for you! Its awesome having all these new babies!
Love ya Steph